MX25L25645G is 256Mb bits Serial NOR Flash memory,which is configured as 33,554,432 x 8 internally.When it is in two or four I/O mode,the structure becomes 134,217,728 bits x 2 or 67,108,864 bits x 4.
MX25L25645G feature s a serial peripheral interface and software protocol allowing operation on a simple 3-wire bus while it is in single I/O mode.The three bus signals are a clock input(SCLK),a serial data input(SI),and a serial data output(SO).Serial access to the device is enabled by CS#input.When it is in two I/O read mode,the SI pin and SO pin become SIO0 pin and SIO1 pin for address/dummy bits input and data output.
When it is in four I/O read mode,the SI pin,SO pin,WP#and RESET#pin(of the 8-pin packages)become SIO0 pin,SIO1 pin,SIO2 pin and SIO3 pin for address/dummy bits input and data output.